01. Strengthening foundation (underpining) using Jet or MiniJet piles
The jet grouting technology involves cement grout injection under high pressure with simultaneous rotation and lifting of the drilling tool. Eventually, a jet pile with a diameter of 300 - 800 mm is formed in the soil.
The advantage of the jet grouting technology for strengthening foundations consists in minimal foundation weakening, since drilling rods with a diameter of only 100 - 130 mm are used. Thus, the foundation rests securely on a pile with a diameter of 600 - 800 mm.
Once the pile is installed, the tube connected by the couplings can be run in immediately.
Small-size equipment enables the installation of jet piles within the perimeter of existing buildings when adding extra floors.
The MiniJet technology can be used to minimize the technological settlement of small individual foundations. Due to lower pressure used here, piles with a diameter of 300 – 400 mm can be formed. The MiniJet method assumes that drilling is performed with drill pipes on couplings, which then remain in the pile body as a reinforcing element.
02. Auger cast pile
This piling method is normally used to install new piles under existing buildings.
Drilling is performed with augers without adding water. Therefore, the technology is dry, and no drilling slurry is produced.
In stable soils, a borehole is drilled with augers at the first stage, and then tubes are run in, which are connected by couplings. At the final stage, the borehole is filled with cement grout. The pile diameter lies within the range of 150-200 mm that is by 20 mm larger than the augers' diameter. The diameter of the tube that can be immersed into the hole is 114-133 mm.
In case of wet soils, flights augers are used to feed cement grout during the reverse motion.
When auger drilling is used to strengthen existing foundations with micro piles, boreholes must be first drilled in the foundations with drilling machines having diamond bits with a diameter of 180-220 mm.
03. TITAN piles
The core of the Titan piling technology is the combination of drilling and cementation processes. The technology involves the use of special hollow drilling rods, which, after drilling, remain in the pile as a reinforcing element. The rods may be 1 m, 1.5 m, and 2 m long. They are connected together by couplings.
The major advantage of this method in comparison with auger cast piling is better productivity. The production rate of the Titan piling is 1.5 times the production rate of piles created with augers. The disadvantage is the higher price of 1 running meter of the threaded rod compared with a pipe or a reinforcement casing.
Small-size drilling rigs suitable for operating in confined spaces (from a building basement or on narrow streets) are used in the foundation strengthening works. The small-size drilling rig is only 600 mm wide and 2 m high.